Preview - Charge Interactions Chem/Phys

Introduction to Electrical Interactions

Now we are going to try to figure out a mathematical model for the electrical interaction between two charges.

Please take a few minutes to "play" with the simulation. Think about which variables you can control, and what you can measure.

To use the simulation, first, adjust any slider bars you wish. Then click "setup" and "compute". To try different values, click "go" again so it is de-selected. Then move the sliders to new values and hit "setup" and "compute" again.  



Please answer the questions below.

Take a few moments to explore this simulation. What do you think this simulation is showing?

In this simulation, what variables can you identify as independent variables? (those you can change)

What variables can you identify as dependent variables?

What do the arrows on the two charges represent? What happens to these arrows as you change the location of q1? What happens to them as you change the amount or sign of the charges?

(Remember to press "setup" after making any changes)


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.